Agent (All Working Days)
Sri Anumula Revanth Reddy

Hon’ble Chief Minister and Minister MA&UD

Risk based classification of buildings

To enhance the “Ease of Doing Business” in the Telangana State, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI has introduced certain reforms where Building Plan Rules, Change of Land Use permissions, Occupancy Certificates are classified based on two important criteria that is
# Type of the building and
# Height of the building.

Based on the above criteria, the frequency of inspections and inspections at different stages are defined. This is to be implemented across the State under Development Permission Management System towards which G.O.Ms.No.153 dated 1st June 2017 is released by Municipal Administration & Urban Development.

Following is the Summary

Risk classification is primarily done on two factors: Category of the building and height of the building.
1) Risk Classification : Low, Medium & High
2) Category Of Buildings Considered for Risk Classification :

Height of Buildings Considered for Risk Classification :

a) Low Risk : 12 M
b) Medium Risk: 15 M.
c) High Risk : Above 15 M

Category Of Buildings: Individual Residential Buildings, Hostels, Residential Apartments, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Assembly Buildings, Multiplexes, Theatres, Gas & Petrol Pumps, Godowns and Industries. Based on the type of Risk, frequency of Inspection and stage of inspection, type of inspector and type of reporting are also defined.

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